As one of the premier video production companies in Misrata, Together production has experience in creating video projects for wide range of clients and across a diverse range of businesses and industries in Misrata, Tripoli, and Libya.
we have had the privilege of working with leading Institutions and fortune 15 brands.
Our team of dedicated videographers in Misrata know how to approach each project of every scale,detail,and genre, from single-camera studio interviews, to multi-camera commercial shoots and other events. whether you need to launch a new product, promote your image, communicate your vision, or simply produce video to share your story, we are here to offer ideas that will help you succeed.
- production management.
- film / video / photography.
- location services.
- cast / crew.
- background talent.
- equipment.
- makeup / wardrobe.
- sets / props.
- catering / craft services.
- photo sessions.
- behind-the-scenes.